Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Heavens declare the Glory of God

Yesterday we covered Matthew chapter 2 in the Sunday morning sermon. I did however; leave out the first half of the chapter that gives us the story of the wise men who have come in search of the new born king. Notice I did not say the three wise men. The reality is we do not know how many men there were we only assume there were three based on the number of gifts presented. But that is not my point this morning. As I was thinking about these wise men that have come from the east following a star in the sky I was reminded of Psalm 19:1, which says, “the heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” What an amazing event. Here we have these scholars from the east, most-likely pagans looking into the sky and reading the ancient writings and there in the sky the glory of God is revealed, a star shining bright over the little town of Bethlehem. While the religious leaders were becoming more self-righteous in Jerusalem, pagans were looking into the sky and see the glory of God and come and worship Jesus Christ. These gentiles coming to Jesus as a little baby foreshadow the future ministry of Jesus who will send his disciples out into all the world to make disciples. As the first advent of our Lord is in the past, we do await his second advent, his second coming, and I hope we who profess the name of Christ will be watching and ready like those wise men from the east. Have a great week.

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